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Precio de US$ $3,500
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LAKE PARADISE by Vista Cana es un
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Aeropuerto Internacional de Punta Cana a 10 min, Blue Mall Punta Cana a 9 min, Downtown Punta Cana a 3 min, Coco Bongo a 3 min, San Juan Shopping Center a 3 min.
Precios desde USD $ : 150,000
Primer Nivel:
• 1 Habitación (Opcional Family Room)
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Segundo Nivel:
• 3 Habitaciones con balcones, principal con baño y closet
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Amenidades de Vista Cana
• Casa Club Restaurante
• Plaza Comercial
• Sendero Ecologico
• Ciclovia
• Canchas de Pádel
• Canchas de Futbol
• Playa Artificial de agua Salada
• Lago de agua dulce
• Club de pesca
• Campo de golf Night Vision
Upgrade Opcional:
• Piscina
• Piso porcelanato tipo madera
• Revestimiento de pared porcelanato tipo Coralina
USD $: 20,000
Plan de pago:
• Reserva USD $ 1,000
• 10% para firma de contrato
• 30% durante la construcción
• 60% Contra que entrega
Fecha de entrega Diciembre 2022
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Discover more web3 applications and developer tools. On Ethereum, Aave and Compound are close competitors with similar TVL, but Solend doesn’t appear to have meaningful DeFi lending or borrowing competition, for now. Its closest Solana DeFi lending and borrowing competitors are Larix, Apricot Finance and Mango Markets, which COMBINED have ~$150 million less TVL than Solend. Solend has the potential to be the Aave AND Compound of Solana, given its clear leadership position. Currently, SLND’s market cap is $56 million (fully diluted ~$1.1 billion). CoinFlex is issuing tokens after a freeze on withdrawals. CoinFlex said a counterparty failed to repay a $47 million debt, resulting in a pause in withdrawals for the crypto exchange; the company is now planning to raise funds by issuing a new token.
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But Chelsea’s task might not be so simple after Mislav Orsic’s first-half strike punished the Blues for another sloppy display in their group opener in Zagreb. Thomas Tuchel admitted Chelsea are “missing everything” after Dinamo Zagreb ruined Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang’s debut with a shock 1-0 victory in the Champions League. As things stand, the Pensioners are on course to miss out on UEFA Champions League football next season. Potter is clearly walking a tight rope, with the prospect of a sack getting stronger with each disappointing result. In the short-term, the greater concern may be Haaland, who was subbed at half-time yesterday as a precaution following treatment on what looked like a hamstring injury. And, over the remainder of the campaign, there are still numerous issues for Guardiola to face.
In England and Spain, the window shuts at 6 p.m. ET. Tottenham’s transfer window: signed agreement for Diaz, interest in Dembele and jury out on Paratici Good news for Man City fans! Yes, we’re all glued to transfer news but there is actual football being played tonight. Man Utd team news: Ten Hag may tinker in Leeds clash with Jadon Sancho in line for startManchester United face Leeds again in the Premier League. In: Gabriel Jesus (£45m from Man City), Fabio Vieira (£35m from Porto), Oleksandr Zinchenko (£32m from Man City), Marquinhos (undisclosed from Sao Paulo), Matt Turner (£5.75m from New England Revolution) Hibs Rumours Let’s get to the transfer moves: We’re a Living Wage Employer. Get us in your feed Kieran Trippier is reportedly eager to return to the Premier League with Manchester United his preferred destination. The Telegraph says the 30-year-old full-back is set to inform Atletico Madrid bosses of his desire to play in England, but Trippier’s £30million price tag could provide a roadblock.
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Testata giornalistica registrata – Aut. Trib.di Lecco n. 1143 del 22/10/2015. Editore: RPM Srl società unipersonale. Direttore Responsabile: Matteo Ronchetti. Sito non ufficiale e non connesso all’ associazione calcio Milan. Marchio e logo dell’ AC Milan sono di esclusiva proprietà di A.C. Milan S.p.A. Reduce da un Mondiale da incorniciare, nel quale insieme al suo Marocco si è spinto fino alle semifinali, stabilendo il nuovo record per una Nazionale africana, Amrabat ha attirato su di se l’attenzione di tutto il mondo. Al momento si trova però in Serie A e gioca per la Fiorentina, squadra con la quale nel corso del 2022 ha rimediato 10 cartellini gialli. Al Mondiale ha anche dimostrato di essere molto migliorato da questo punto di vista, un solo giallo in sette partite per lui; partite tutte giocate con foga ed intensità e nelle quali ha recuperato una quantità industriale di palloni, andando spesso a contrasto con gli avversari.
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